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Henry Bashford

Ball Chair

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-03 at 9.58.24 PM (2).jpeg

Hello Castle, my name is Henry and I have the absolute pleasure of being your MCR ball chair for this coming year. My primary role within the executive committee will be to lead on the organisation of the annual Castle Charity MCR ball- set to take place in June- overseeing the Ball committee who will help me to organise this.


Having completed my undergraduate at van Mildert college I have sat on numerous ball committees throughout my time at Durham and through my role as JCR president last year I have a wealth of experience I hope to bring to the role moving forward. This will be my fifth college hall I have helped to organise, but my first at castle- something I am incredibly excited about! To work in such a historic venue is truly a pleasure and one I hope to take great advantage of! I look forward to working with many of you over the coming and am very open to answering any questions you may have- please just feel free to ping me an email or drop me a message! Floreat Castellum.

Email ID:

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