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Castle MCR is built upon a vibrant and transparent democracy that emphasises accountability in the collective decision-making process of the Executive Committee. By making these documents publicly, members can understand more about the operations and decisions made by Castle MCR.
Castle MCR Freshers' Week Booklet 2024-25
The Freshers' Week Booklet 2024 can now be accessed HERE.
Being a member of University College is an honour and privilege out of which arises certain commensurate responsibilities. As such, members of the University College Middle Common Room must strive to act in accordance with the obligations arising from the august history and tradition of our Common Room, College, and University.
Formals are an incredibly fun social event that you should definitely make the most of during your time at Castle. They can, however, seem bizarre before you get used to them, but don’t let this put you off! Hopefully this document will clarify the rules and traditions so that you can enjoy attending formals at ease.
The Standing Orders forms the constitution of the MCR; they are a set of rules, providing structure to the MCR and include, type of memberships, the roles of the Executive Officers, how voting is conducted, requirements for transparency and feedback, how meetings are conducted, etc.
The Executive Committee and Membership of 2023/2024 has passed a significant reform in September 2024. The final document is now available, so please read it carefully as there has been significant changes.
The History of the Standing Orders explains the points in time in which major changes were made to the standing orders.